Savings & Investments
Saving & Investing are not ends in themselves, they are tools to meeting your financial goals. Short term needs may include saving for a holiday, or a deposit for a house, or even funding a daughter's wedding. Longer term investment could be saving towards retirement or for a grandchild's university fees. As an indepednet financial adviser I have the knowledge and expertise to help you achieve whichever goals matter most to you, providing clear and unbiased advice on a whole range of investment products and platforms.
At an initial meeting, we will work together to agree a plan, taking into account your objectives, the timescale, your attitude to risk as well as the amount available to save or invest. Not only will I look for the best rate of return, I'll also make sure the recommended solutions are as tax efficient as possible, and balance your need for growth or income.
The value of investments can go down in value as well as up, so you could get back less than you originally invested. It is therefore important that you understand the risks and commitments. Tax Plannng advice is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Pensions & Retirement
Ideally planning for retirement should start from the moment you start work, but often people delay putting aside any money for their retirement until much later. However it is never too late to start, or to review your existing pension provisions. Putting away even a small sum regularly from the start can make a big difference to the lifestyle you will enjoy when you retire.
As an independent financial adviser I can help you to successfully plan for your retirement by making tax efficient recommendations that suit your individual requirements. I will analyse your needs and calculate how much money you should save for retirement, based on your desired income and your retirement plans. If you want to be able to afford holidays and enjoy the free time retirement brings, then you'll need to make adequate provision, and be realistic about how long that income should last. Many people often underestimate how long they are likely to live once they have retired, which could mean that after enjoying a few years of a comfortable retirement lifestyle, you realise you'll need to make drastic reductions in your spending to stretch out your income for longer, or you may even find yourself returning to part-time work or even relying on state benefits to make ends meet.
For those nearing retirement and looking to draw a pension, I can provide expert advice to guide you through the multitude of options available, taking into consideration your attitude to risk, your health, inflation, as well as any tax implications.
A pension is a long term investment. The fund value may fluctuate and can go down. Your eventual income may depend upon the size of the fund at retirement, future interest rates and tax legislation. Tax treatment is dependent on your individual circumstances and may be subject to change in the future. Tax Plannng advice is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Financial Protection
Life insurance may not be at the top of many people’s ‘to do’ list, but arguably it’s one of the most important financial products anyone can take out, and one of the best ways of protecting your loved ones financially.
As an independent finacial adviser I offer whole of market advice and will explain your options as to how protection products can be used to enable you to cover yourself, your loved ones and your lifestyle in the event of unexpected sickness, death or serious disability. The bewildering array of financial protection policies with various options available today, means expert advice is invaluable to help find a protection solution that meets your needs as well as your budget.
- Term Assurance
- Whole of Life Assurance
- Critical Illness Cover
- Income Protection
Please Note: Life Cover (non-investment) and income protection cover - the plan will have no cash value at any time, and will cease at the end of the term. If premiums are not maintained, then cover will lapse. Critical illness cover - the policy may not cover all definitions of a critical illness. For definitions of illnesses covered please refer to the Key Features and Policy documents.
Estate Planning & IHT
Planning for the next generation and the potential impact of inheritance tax (IHT) is an important part of financial planning. The continued rise in house prices means you don’t have to be hugely wealthy to be adversely affected by IHT. More people than ever before are calculating the value of their estates and finding they have a greater liability to IHT than they’d first thought. IHT can cost your estate thousands of pounds when you die; however, the good news is that expert planning can legitimately mitigate or minimise the effects of this tax, meaning you can pass on assets to those you love as you’d intended.
I can help you understand allowances and how to use them, identify the extent of your IHT liability, and advise on estate planning strategies to improve your position in this area using a number of different solutions. Focusing on what you want to happen in the future, the recommendations which are right for you may include some (or none) of the following: Will planning and Power of Attorney, lifetime gifting, life cover, and the appropriate use of trusts and lump sum arrangements. Also I always recommend regular reviews to ensure your wishes are documented and kept up to date.
The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate Taxation Advice, Estate Planning, Trusts or Will Writing Advice.